A small collection of electronic circuits for the hobbyist or student. Site includes over 100 circuit diagrams, links to related sites, commercial kits and projects, newsgroups and educational areas. Most of the circuits can be built with common components available from Radio Shack or salvaged from scrap electronic equipment. Most all of the circuits have been built and tested and believed to perform as described, however possible mistakes may be found.
Additions and Corrections (01/06/06)
Semiconductor Data Sheets
TI Semiconductors (search) National Semiconductors (search) Motorola NTE http://www.datasheets4u.com/
Java Script Calculators
Resistor Color Code Calculator - Graphical resistor color code calculator by Danny Goodman. Uses pulldown menus and a realistic picture of a resistor.
Another Resistor Color Code Calculator - This one uses check boxes instead of pulldown menus and also calculates the equivalent value of two resistors in parallel. My own creation.
Ohm's Law Calculator - Java Script to solve Ohm's Law for Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power. Enter any two unknowns and solve for the other two.
Voltage Divider Calculator - Solves voltage, current, and power dissipation problems for two element resistive voltage dividers.
L or C Reactance Calculator - Java Script to calculate capacitive or inductive reactance and resonant frequency. For ideal devices only, resistance not included.
Allen Newman's Impedance Calculator - Solves passive series RLC networks, for reactance, impedance and phase angle.
RC Time Calculator - Java Script to solve R and C values for given values of time or instantaneous voltages.
RL Time Calculator - Java Script to solve R and L values for given values of time or instantaneous current.
555 Timer - Frequency and Time Interval Calculator - Calculates positive and negative time intervals for the 555 timer based on R and C values. Also contains descriptions and operation of each input and output of the timer and schematics for the two basic modes of operation (monostable or "one-shot" and astable or "rectangular wave oscillator"). Also contains a pictorial diagram of the timer connected as a LED flasher and a table of connections for the 556 timer (dual 555 timer).
LED Series Resistor Calculator - Finds the series resistance needed for various series LED combinations and supply voltages.
The Electronics Calculator Website - Several calculators for Ohm's law, capacitor or inductor impedance, tuned circuits and RC time constants.
Several JavaScript Calculators by John Owen. - Audio op-amp filter, Op-amp circuit, Decibels, Zener Diodes and more...
Air Core Inductance Calculator - Calculates number of turns and layers needed for air core inductors.
Gregorian Calendar - Displays any month from Oct 1582 forward.
Links to Other Hobby Electronics Sites and Useful Information
Hobby Projects to Build, That Work Color Organ, Wattmeter, 12 volt to 120VAC inverter and more.
Don Klipstein's LED Website - Lots of useful LED information, FAQs, and sources for the brightest and most efficient LEDs.
Circuit Archive - University of Washington Circuit Archive, lots of good circuits and links.
EDUCYPEDIA - The educational encyclopedia (Electronics section)
Tomi Engdahl's Electronic Info - Links to a wide variety of analog and digital circuits.
Imagineering On-Line Magazine ,The Design Corner, over 100 circuits in pdf format.
Tom Loredo's Electronics Bookmarks - Many resources for electronics hardware and software.
Harry's Homebrew Homepage - For building amateur radio equipment. Antennas, Receivers, Transmitters and other useful circuits.
Links for FM Transmitter Kits, Circuits, Electronics ...
Electronics Links and Resources -Links to circuits, components, educational sites and more..
Tony's Website - R/C Gadgets and electronic circuits for the hobbyist.
Steve Walz's FTP Site - FTP Resource Site, 1000 Files in 50 Directories.
Wenzel & Associates (Circuits) - Technical Library, Hobby Circuits.
Samuel M. Goldwasser Homepage - Silicon Sam's Technology Resource - FAQs, Links, Troubshooting & Repair, Laser info, Circuits.
Beyond Logic - Information on the PC Parallel, Serial and USB ports.
How Stuff Works - Interesting site on how things work, but you will have to clear your screen of many pop up ads.
Deep Cycle Battery Frequently Asked Questions
http://www.saroff.com/electronics/ Has some useful search engines for locating parts and data sheets.Wonton Soup Recipe This is copied recipe from a local Chineese take out place. Costs $4 to buy it, but only $2 to make it.
Commercial Electronic Sites, Kits and Projects |
Electronics Educational Sites |
Having trouble building a circuit similar to something on this site?Try posting a message with circuit details to one of the electronic newsgroups, either sci.electronics.basics or sci.electronics.design Many readers of those groups will offer ideas and a few specifics at no charge. If you need more detailed help and follow up advice, maybe I can help.
Send a detailed description of your circuit and objective. If it is within my expertise and relates to the projects on this site, I will work with you via email to help solve the problem. I can also test and refine the circuit on a vector board for a nominal fee.
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