- This site was a thought by me in 2002.


Paul wrote this Page on 10/1/2003


 I didn't do much with with the web site then , till now when mom pasted and now I see how good of a idea it was then, now only to be able to put mom partly here, sharing my idea for others, before its to late for them. It's a  Legacy site,  Time Capsule for the Future, for the Children of  Tomorrow. "Gadget Cancer stuff there right now"  Kids & pets GET - Osteosarcoma information at the site

Our Songs & Our Payers To Her From Her Son Paul

"If we are to go forward"

Saying Hi To You Up There, I Miss You MOM !

( My Mom !  A big lost in my Life Yesterday ! 09 / 29 / 03   8:30pm )

Things that make me smile - Memories of my Mom & Gadget & Our Times together in my life, all those forever thoughts, our times together, those non-replaceable times of the past. Things only last as long as the last person remembers it ! Don't take things for granted, it's tomorrow before we know it ! The End..

What a face, My Gadget, True, Real & Natural , what a  missing Friend soon, I'm going to miss then, Mom & Gadget, for they are never replaceable to me . I will miss Them, my time shared with them,48 yrs for Mom,10 yrs for Gadget, my friends lately that asked about him....Mom & Gadget ! my life long true buddies, till we meet again. For sure! 

A  passing to our special & loving goals, remembering the good ones !

( And Now  Gadget  is Going, My best of friend  for the past 10 years  8 /15/ 04 )

I Had his grave Dug for him in Jan. 04 when I thought we might loose him then, but luck was with us all, to have him 6 more months.

After giving him the best medical help and kindness as we all only have one time in our lives to do a good job, Having Gadget another Spring, Summer & Some of the Fall was a blessing, Extra Time ,10 years together by then , a nice "extra" after loosing my Mom the year before, knowing soon he would be gone and will always be missed by us all. "A Boy & His Dog Story".

We spend the last 2 weeks together before he died ,sharing doggie kisses, and laying close to each other as we were always a team together. Gadget & my Mom were both the best things during My life and the best in the family that has gone, I gave Gadget a Super Doggie Life in Return, My Mom being one of the Dearest Sweetest Ladies Ever, being the Best of Friends we could ever ask for, by he was spoiled for the last 10 years and deserved it. Mom & Gadget  Shared about 4 yrs together and I know they miss each other too!, you Both will always be missed For Sure Always & Always Forever.

"Mom Said She Would Look After Him Till I Get Up There"

Mom You Passed at Home in your Bed, with your family, with your son Paul in his arms giving you Cpr, to try to save your LIFE. But I Couldn't, I'm Glad you went well without suffering, but you went to Fast for us to Enjoy More Special Times Together, I Miss you Very Much !!!

You did prove the Best Goes first, Always & Always I Will Remember You ! " Your Son - Paul Jr."


" When we Past on "

Maybe we go back to a place to be put back in time, maybe some of us will be brought back to 1800 or 1700 or so, maybe we are put ahead in the future of the world, to see & to get a chance to be in a way all parts of Our world, the past, present & future, a Dimensional placement, We don't control it but maybe Someone Higher Up does. To be a part of that again, we could be put where ever we go to enjoy life all over again, we could even be reborn out there on a distant world, brand new to as we know it, but a place for us to begin again, alive and again we go on again & again, but  for us still missing you, I hope we don't get cheated of seeing you again "My Mom"

Maybe we are adults that get to be kids again, the special times we all remember as our good times, with the good families whole again "Kick the Can"

Maybe since we are all star dust, we all go back to that for a long period of time maybe billions of years again, before when our galaxy goes to be a part of a another galaxy, for some of us to be come dormant for trillions of yrs, floating on a quiet rock traveling thought space till again one day, being part of a sunny part in space that is warm & again part of thriving part of life again. It will take a very long time to find the answer, we All know !

What the heck we alive ones can only Dream of a Final Reasons we are here & the tomorrows of All of us in our new Journeys to the Next Stop !

Bring out better character traits..  Be sure to reward the loyalty you value.... It's easy to enjoy new duties and routines. You can improve your sense of well being. Take pleasure in new experiences. Personal relations hope will get better now. I Hope so Mom, Hope to See You Again, You taught me to not waste a moment and I know I did make you feel good for how well I did in life what a team we were, I Will Always Remember.

The Goodness of  YOU ! Thanks !!! For being There Always !

Respect Us all today and we will be there tomorrow for youA road we won't find on a map

I'm going to miss both of them, Mom & Gadget, My best friends !