12-14 weeks: onions, garlic, leeks, chives, pansies, impatiens, and coleus [long-developing plants]
8-12 weeks: peppers, lettuce, cole crops (brassicas, as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), petunias, snapdragons, alyssum and other hardy annuals [meaning they can take a little cool temperature, but certainly not a frost!]
6-8 weeks: eggplant and tomatoes [Mediterranean vegetables]
4-6 weeks: zinnias, cockscombs, marigolds and other tender annuals [meaning that they do not like cool temperatures at all]
2-4 weeks: cucumbers, melons, okra, pumpkins, squash [fast-growing vegetables
Use of mycorrhizal inoculum as a soil amendment during prairie restorationIn HortScience, Babadoost, Islam and Y. Honda, a researcher at Japan's Shimane University, documented that starting peppers, pumpkins and tomatoes under red light in a greenhouse offers protection against P. capsici. Less than 36 percent of the plants exposed to the fungus after four weeks of red-light treatment became infected, while between 78 percent to 100 percent of control plants started under traditional white light died. This year, they are using Acrobat 50WP alone, again with EPA approval, applying 6.4 ounces per acre where the fungus is spotted. Growers mix it with a copper compound
BASF registers 2 new fungicidesPlant Disease Management in the Home Garden
Story Page
Wonder (Standard)
75 Days- Blocky; 3
to 4 lobed, dark green fruit; Good for stuffing.
1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1
oz. 4 oz.
$1.40 $2.55
$5.00 $15.75
1/2 lb.
Bravo was especially effective in our 1997 and 1998 tomato trails
Leaf Spots and Rust: Bravo, maneb, and mancozeb are helpful. Where rust is a major concern late in the season, Tilt is the most effective material, followed closely by mancozeb or maneb.
Maize Dwarf Mosaic (MDM): Aphid vector control may help in large fields. Where MDM is present, plan to try tolerant varieties in future years.
peppers Where present, determine bacterial spot source. Did it come on plants? If present, Spray weekly with a tank mixture of basic copper plus maneb
‘Best in
years’. Faith Peppers Georgia Extension
Service ... The fungicides Folicur
3.6F, Abound 2SC and Moncut 50W are applied annually to
nearly 60 percent of Alabama's peanut ...
Some of the labeled fungicides
are mancozeb, ferbam, and captan. ...
foliage with a systemic fungicide, Funginex, which is
Imazalil (systemic fungicide) and dicofol (non-systemic organochlorine insecticide) were
Part III - Chemical Management -Types of Fungicides
Some systemic fungicides are Flint, Nova, Rubigan, and Sovran.,Aliette |
![]() |
![]() |
Quadris (azoxystrobin) is a broad-spectrum fungicide that belongs to the strobilurin class of
chemistry. Because of the favorable food and environmental safety profiles of most strobilurin
fungicides, they have been registered relatively quickly by EPA. Quadris has been registered for
control of countless diseases on numerous vegetable crops.
Benomyl is far more effective than captan in suppressing the development of the fungus and reducing the carryover of initial inoculum the following season
Fungicide Crops and use restrictions
for control of buckeye rot, early blight, gray leaf spot, lateblight, leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, bacterial speck, bacterial spot,
5 days.
a Start applications when seedlings emerge or transplants areset and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals. For bacterial diseases, use a full
rate of fixed-copper fungicide in tank-mixed combinations with a full
rate of Gavel 75DF. Follow label directions carefully.
Zoxamide (cont.)
(Gavel 75DF)
Crop scientist targeting fungus threatening pumpkins, peppers
Mother Earth News _ Main Index ---- Good Site
Growing Vegetables Vegetables Home Page Home Gardening Home Page
Pollination as Related to Breeding Behavior open-pollinated Terms Growing Herbs in the Vegetable Garden
Making compost Using raised beds The ideal soil pH Using fertilizer Soil preparation Soil Testing - Costs
Vegetables: Diseases HOW TO GERMINATE SEED
Seed Treatment for Disease Control
Growing Supplies by Florals of Fredericks
Soil pH | Rototillers | Garden Fertilizers | SOIL PH | Rototillers Soil pH, Liming and Amending Soils
PlantPropagation.com Plant Reproduction by Seed --- Good story on Oasis cubesCheck out
our close outs at ScroungeCentral.com
Alphabetical index of growing information on specific vegetables at Texas A&M.
University of Illinois Extension Service's guide to growing, storing and preparing vegetables.
Ohio State University's Plant Facts web site has a searchable database containing over 20,000 pages of extension service fact sheets and bulletins. Vegetable Growing Guides at Cornell University.
Greenhouse Tomatoes -- Pest Management in Mississippi. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 1861.
Snyder, Richard G., and Jim Thomas. 1996. Fertigation--The Basics of Injecting Fertilizer for Field-Grown Tomatoes. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 2037.
Snyder, Richard G. 1995. Starting Vegetable Transplants. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 1995.
Snyder, Richard G. 1993. Injector Planner--A Spreadsheet Approach to Fertilization Management for Greenhouse Tomatoes. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Research Bulletin 1003.
Snyder, Richard G. 1993. Environmental Control for Greenhouse Tomatoes
Growing Vegetables in Containers
• Herbs for your Windowsill or Patio
Over millions of years, wild plants have evolved germination
strategies which ensure their survival, but which may not be
convenient for the home gardener who wants a quick and even stand of
plants from a packet of seed. Many seeds sprout irregularly, so that
if the first flush of seedlings is killed by adverse weather, insect
predation, etc., more will come along to take their place. In
adaptation to various environments, some seeds need periods of cold,
warmth, darkness or light, fire, etc. Some have seedcoats of varying
hardness or impermeability, and others contain chemical germination
inhibitors which must be leached from the seed before it can sprout.
Some species disperse themselves over wide areas by being eaten by
animals, the seed sprouting far from the mother plant, the seedcoat
softened by digestive juices. Many seeds have internal clocks, and
give much higher germination at certain times of the year,
regardless of the treatment given. All seeds wait for the correct
time and conditions before sprouting, and the gardener must mimic
those conditions to ensure successful germination.
We are continually testing seed for germination, and conduct
research into improving methods of handling difficult species. For
slow seeds, which take months or years, making a standard test
impractical, we may use 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride to test
for hydrogenase enzyme activity, which quickly indicates whether
there is a living embryo in the seed. It can take years of research
to determine the best ways to germinate a specific species. Oryzopsis
seed has been studied for over 50 years, yet we still do not fully
understand its requirements. Even then, seed collected from one
population may germinate readily, yet the same species gathered in a
cold-winter area may need cold treatment.
We offer many seeds which are easy, and sprout quickly and evenly.
But with some you must be prepared to experiment, be patient, and
use your initiative and intuition. Remember that with some rare
species, you are venturing into unknown territory. Most corporate
seed companies will not carry difficult seeds, only selling, easy,
mass-produced varieties. We like to offer a more challenging
alternative. --J.L.H. 11/89.
Many seeds do well sown direct to ordinary garden soil, but even
good soil may be poor in pots or flats. These need a lighter, looser
soil. Most commercial mixes are fine, but the addition of some
garden soil and compost will often insure adequate beneficial
micro-organisms & fungi, A good soil mix can be made at home
from 1/3 garden loam, 1/3 peat or compost, and 1/3 gritty sand.
Number 1 limestone chick-grit makes a good top dressing for many
alpines or slow germinating seed to discourage algae growth. Crushed
charcoal also helps
Vegetables: Varieties
Lighting High intensity discharge (HID) lamps, including high pressure sodium and metal halide lamps, are the only types that provide sufficient intensity and light quality for supplemental lighting. Low pressure sodium lamps, such as the yellow-orange lights used in street lighting, should not be used due to the adverse effect that their light quality has on plant growth habit.. Light quality affects plant growth. Most high pressure sodium lights, designed to produce high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), tend to produce excessively elongated internodes. To compensate for this, metal halide lights that provide a greater portion of the blue spectrum may be added. Light placement and lighting schedules also affect growth and pollination. Paul's Page on Lighting types
POLLINATION - Tomatoes are self pollinating under open field conditions. Pollen sheds and fertilization occurs as a function of normal air movement and its agitation of the plants and flowers. Under greenhouse conditions, flowers need to be agitated mechanically, or fruit needs to be set using plant chemical hormones that are sprayed on flower clusters on a regular basis. High Color Varieties: For trial: Spitfire, Cobia. Staking: Early Girl. For trial: Keno. Research in Indiana has demonstrated a benefit from starter or "pop-up" fertilizers. In direct seeded plantings, spray directly on the seed a solution of 2-6-0 (made up of 1 part 10-34-0 : 4 part water) at 1 pint per 100 lineal feet of row (use 1/2 this rate on sandy soils).Avoid excessive nitrogen applications, which can cause excessive vine growth and delay maturity.If symptoms of blossom end rot are detected, spray the leaves and fruit with calcium chloride at the rate of 2 Tbs in 1 gal water...Before planting 1. Add lime to adjust pH of soil to 6.8 to 7.2. Mix lime thoroughly in top 8 to 12 inches of soil. Lime is best applied in fall. After Planting 1. Mulch plants with black plastic or loose organic materials.2. Fertilize with nitrogen side-dressing only if it is required to maintain green color and moderate-growth. Use calcium nitrate or ammonium sulfate at rate of 0.25 lb to 100 sq ft (100 lb/A).VARIETY SELECTION FOR DISEASE AVOIDANCE Staking and training tomatoes
Early | Medium | Late |
Early Girl | Super Fantastic | Parks Whopper |
Aztec | Stokesdale | Ramapo |
Bonny Best | Rutgers | |
Valiant | Marglobe | |
Burpee Hybrid | ||
Floramerica | ||
Beefmaster | ||
Beefsteak | ||
Better Boy |
Standard red determinate
Early | Medium | Late |
Presto | Willamette | Ace |
Pixie | Springset | Pearson |
Starshot | Medford | Bush Sirloin |
Oregon Spring | Monte Carlo | |
Santiam | Bonus | |
Siletz | Jetfire | |
New Yorker | ||
Fireball | ||
Heinz 1350 |
Pepper Stuff - A few peppers are grown in greenhouses. The varieties Bellboy, Blue Star and Mogador are reported to tolerate cool temperatures that sometimes occur in off-season greenhouse production. Harden transplants for about a week before transplanting to the field by reducing moisture and maintaining a temperature of 55 to 65 F. This will give resistance to wilting and sunscald..When growing transplants in unheated greenhouses, cold frames or field transplant beds, 8 to 14 weeks may be necessary. Seedlings are transplanted to other flats when the first true leaves are l.5 inches long and spaced 2 to 2.5 inches apart in the greenhouse or plant bed. Select starter fertilizers that have the highest level of phosphorus available, such as 10-52-17, 11-48-0, 11-55-0 dry fertilizers or 10-34-0 liquid fertilizer....Depth of transplanting has normally been to the top of the roots or root ball. Research from Florida with the variety Jupiter suggests that pepper transplants may benefit from being set deeper, up to the first true leaf. Thirty days after transplanting, plants planted to the first true leaf had more leaves, greater plant dry weight, more blooms and less lodging than transplants planted to the cotyledons or to the top of the root ball. Other data from Pennsylvania suggest caution however. Soil temperature and moisture would be important considerations.Bell pepper for greenhouse production Green or red fruit for specialty markets (for trial only): Cubico, Plutona. Yellow fruit: Golden Belle, Marengo, Orobelle. Orange fruit: Ariane, Valencia.
Supersweet (sh2): Even Sweeter, How Sweet It Is. For trial: Aspen, Frontier, Vale.
Sugary enhanced (su,se): For trial: Alpine, Divinity, Silverado, Snowbelle, Sugar Snow, SummerSweet series (first two numbers designate relative days to maturity.), White Lightning.
REACTIONS OF SWEET CORN HYBRIDS TO PREVALENT DISEASES Reactions of Sweet Corn Hybrids to Prevalent Diseases ... are endemic diseases of sweet corn grown in North America. ... diseases vary among commercial sweet corn hybrids. Since 1984, nearlyNCH-43 all the bugs and problems growing corn
Blueberries It is best to plant at least two varieties for cross polination
Composted Animal Manures: Precautions and Processing
The 2003 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
AZ Master Gardener Manual: Sweet Corn
AgBioForum v4n2: Cross Pollination From Genetically Engineered Corn: Wind Transport And Seed Source
Baby Vegetables
Bee Pollination of Georgia Crop PlantsPollination is the transfer of pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female part of a flower. Cross-pollination ... good pollination improves both ... require cross-pollination. ...
Pollination of Vegetable Crops Cooperative Extension Service/The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Pollination of Vegetable Crops Wayne McLaurin, Extension Horticulturist Plants develop seeds through a process called pollination. ... air-borne pollen: beets. corn. carrots. onions ... will cross since they are both in the same genus Cucumis and also in the same species melo. The Pollination Process
Sweet Corn, Commercial Vegetable Production Guides, North Willamette Research and Extension Center genes such as su (IIIb), since cross pollination of such cultivars will still produce sh2 kernels (supersweet corn
Your Corn Depends on Your Neighbor's Corn- from Article Archive of - Journal of God's Provision - Digest A short story of a corn farmer who consistently won prizes for his corn - because he understood that giving his precious seed to neighbors helped him succeed. ... If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow
Pollination Compare self-pollination and cross-pollination. Identify ways in which pollen is distributed. ... Pollen is simple and light weight. Corn pollination is accomplished by wind.
Pollination Info by Crop and Drought Stress Photos of corn flowers. Evaluate corn pollination Avoid cross pollination between GMO and non-GMO
of Meat and Poultry Labeling Terms
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Antimicrobial Resistance
Home Vegetable Variety Selection For Pennsylvania
Corn Flea Beetle on Sweet Corn, CV-1000-93
Apply lime to maintain a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5 if pH is low. Based on OSU soil test results, the following quantities of P2O5 and K2O are recommended:
The Corn-Hog Ratio
Bulk Quantity Vegetable Garden Seed Packets
How to Order
The Chile Shop
Minnesota and Canadian Wild Rice
Genetically Manipulated Food News 18 May 2000
spanish recipe
Roasted & Salted Sunflower Seeds out of the Shell
Looking for info or seeds regarding very early (48 +/- days) tomatoes
General Plants and Seeds
Home Distillation of Alcohol (Homemade Alcohol to Drink)
New England Farmer, 1830, excerpts
Free Radicals, Diet, and Nutrition
A Five Year Program for the Development of Agriculture in Grayson County, Virginia
Section 14
Columbus Ohio Stake Food Storage Recipes
Swallowtail Garden Seeds - Heirloom Tomatoes
Breads #3
American Ginseng - Organic, American, Siberian and Korean Ginseng
All Vegetable Soaps and Recipes
Varieties from around world viewed at field day
FREEDOMYOU-Herb and Spice Guide
Requested Recipe Names List
The History of Bees (1634) -- excerpt
Herbs and Spices Guide
Irish Entree Recipes Disk 167
Know What is in a Bag of Seed
cooperseeds.com - Vegetable Seeds of the sweetest and most tender corns ever developed. ... roasting ear corn. It has very deep kernels with a pencil size cob. It produces 2-3 ears per stalk and
bulk white corn seed by the pound -good prices
EARLY EXTRA SWEET - 70 days - Very early and dependable Sh2 variety. Super sweet rated as high as 40 percent sugar content which converts slowly to starch keeping as long as 2 weeks after picking. Just as with Illini it actually increases in sweetness after picking. Good tip fill with superior husk cover insuring minimum insect damage. Excellent flavor and texture. Widely adaptable for home garden, market garden, fresh, frozen, or canned. Ears are 9 inches long on 5 foot silks. 3 oz. packet for $2.97......Order......Bulk 1 lb. $9.50......Order
NORTHERN EXTRA SWEET - 65 days - The earliest maturing Extra sweet (Sh2) we have, with an incredible ear size for its maturity. The unhusked appearance is excellent, with dark green husk and long flag leaves. This hybrid shows improved emergence and vigor under cool, wet soil conditions. Uniform 8 to 9 inch ears with good husk protection, 14 rows of tender kernels. Excellent fresh, frozen, canned or a favorite for roadside sales. 3 oz. packet for $2.97......Order......Bulk 1 lb. $9.50......Order
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Acquire Non-Hybrid seeds which have a long storage life. |
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When planting seeds shortly after the cataclysms, remember that you are growing for seed than just for the edible yield. |
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Seeds extracted from fruit or vegetables should normally be washed and left to dry out before storage. |
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Extracted seeds should be transferred into polythene bags after drying, and labeled with the name of the plant and date of extraction. |
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Wrap seeds up in waterproof material and store in a dark, cool place. |
All seeds are $1.00 per packet
Omniseek: Home and Garden: /Home & Garden /Gardens /Seeds /
Pepper and Eggplant Seeds 20 seeds - $1.50
Farm and Garden Tools Equipment and Supplies at Pepperclicks
We've also added a complete line of agars and other culturing media as well as a pre-sterilized liquid culture media.
Cheap Hydroponics Here Mediums rockwool clayrock coir fiber growplugs
Seeds For Sale Best Price
Start a Fun and Profitable Greenhouse Business. - Products
Cold Frames & Hoop Houses We figure they'll probably outlast us. http://www.atlasgreenhouse.com/cf.html
ordered in whatever size you need from http://www.hobbygardens.com/grenhous.html
uncompressed coco fiber and eight cubic feet of perlite
MasterGardening.Com - Gardening Tools, Supplies, & Plants Index Cold Frame: Dutch Single Frame
http://www.landscapeusa.com/category.asp?SubCat=Cold+Frames%2BMinis**904&ListNum=30800 good prices
View Article, Indoor Gardening and Hydroponics, Maximum Yield
The $50 challenge - Chefs must whip up a dinner party for eight and stay within a budget
FOX HOLLOW SEED CO. 204 Arch Street Kittanning PA 16201
Herbs Slection ---- good info site
Beauty Heirloom
80 days. Heavy producer of enormous, rich deep purple-black fruits. Retains good color and is tasty at all stages. Yields as many as five fruits per plant. - 60 seeds
Corn Salad
days. An old favorite
among real salad lovers. Serve
like lettuce or cook like spinach.
Dense rosettes of dark green leaves with a mild nutty flavor.
Sow early in spring and again in August.
Can be harvested with no bitterness even after plants run to
seed. - 200 seeds
days. Annual vegetable
gaining great popularity as a gourmet salad herb.
Long, dark green leaves form a loose open bunch and are
savored for their horseradish flavor.
Sow from mid-spring onward, approximately 1” apart. Use of
floating row cover will keep flea beetle damage to a minimum.
Do not thin. Harvest
by cutting the entire plant at the soil line, or by trimming
individual leaves. -
300 seeds
Growing a Fall Vegetable Garden
In almost every State, the Extension Service will test soils and provide fertilizer recommendations.
Organic matter improves soil as a growing medium for plants. It helps release nitrogen, minerals, and other nutrients for plant use when it decays. A mulch of partially rotted straw, compost, or undecomposed crop residue on the soil helps keep the soil surface from crusting, retards water loss from the soil, and keeps weeds from growing.
Practically any plant material can be composted for use in the garden. Leaves, old sod, lawn clippings, straw, and plant refuse from the garden or kitchen can be used. Often, leaves can be obtained from neighbors who do not use them or from street sweepings.
Vegetable Gardening in Containers
Plants For Your Home
Guide to Container Gardening (Page 2)
Gardeninghealthful vegetables to ... quality vegetables in ... vegetables growing every month of the year. By intercropping (planting another kind of vegetable between the rows of an earlier-maturing
The Louise Loeb Vegetable Garden
Vegetables ~ Facts and Information
Many vegetable seeds can be planted as soon as the soil has dried out from melting snow and spring rains. These include: beets, swiss chard, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, parsley, peas, radishes, onions, spinach and potatoes. These vegetables will germinate in cool soil, and will resist spring frost. But before planting, the first step is to prepare the soil.
Larriland Farm - The HarvestGrowing Great Vegetables In North Dakota
LSU AgCenter News - Get It Growing Column (Plant Vegetables Now) for 9-7-01
10-12-1998 Summary of Major Activities
The cole family has many cool weather friends. Lettuce, onion, parsnip and spinach seeds can germinate in soil temperatures as low as 35o F. Seeds for other family vegetable favorites such as cabbage, carrots and celery can germinate in soil temperature as low as 40o F.
Livingston remembered that when he was a boy his father in 1916 raised cabbage plants in the winter months and sold them to locals Cabbage and onion plants are able to stand a 16 ° temperature This greenhouse is used to raise early tomato, pepper and eggplants for our own use. In January we plant seed in boxes.Leeks
1/4 ounce sows a 100 foot row and
feeds a family of five. Culture is the same as that of cabbage.
Long Island Improved (90 days) Compact
plant is nearly two feet tall. Stem is well covered with
cabbage-like sprouts about 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Matures from
bottom to top of stem. Excellent flavor. Primarily a fall crop.
1/8 Oz-$1.30
1/4 Oz-$1.70 1/2 Oz-$2.55
1 Oz-$4.05
Fortados 65 days. A self-blanching variety grown commercially in Europe for its uniform, snow-white, medium-size heads. Good for all areas of the United State. Our pick. 150 seeds |
77 | 1.50 |
Snowball Cross 74
days. Suitable for warmer, drier climates, heads are held
higher than any other variety for easy cultivation and
Reliable yields of medium sized, compact heads.
- 150 seeds |
Check to Order Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
Self Blanching 85 days. Compact plant with thick, tender stringless stalks blanching to yellow. Thick hearts from early. One of the best table varieties. - 300 seeds |
Cucumber Heirloom
(1850’s) 52 days. Introduced in the United States in the 1850’s and still an excellent variety for small pickles. Does particularly well on a trellis, yielding continuous clusters of 2 or 3 six inch fruits. Delicious white, juicy flesh. - 60 seeds |
105 |
1.00 |
Pickling 54 days. A preferred pickling cube because of its straight, uniform growth habit. Dark green, stocky fruits average 5 inches long by 2 inches wide. |
1/2 ounce plants 100 foot row and
feeds a family of five.
Cucumbers require warm, rich, well-drained soil. Highly susceptible
to disease and adverse weather. Plant about 1 inch deep from April
to July. Put in hills of about 4 seeds per hill. Space hills about 3
feet apart.
Boston Pickling or Green Prolific (57 days)
A black spine variety. Dark green fruits are blunt-ended and measure
5 to 6 inches long by 3 to 3-1/2 inches in diameter at maturity.
1/8 Oz-$1.15 1/4 Oz-$1.80
1/2 Oz-$2.55 1 Oz-$3.60
Spacemaster Bush (60 days) White spine, 7-1/2" long by
2-1/2" in diameter. Dark green compact vine. Resistant to
cucumber mosaic virus.
1/8 Oz-$1.85 1/4 Oz-$2.95
1/2 Oz-$4.10 1 Oz-$5.90
Straight 8 (60 days) White Spine. All-American Gold Metal
Award-1935. Dark green broad leaves give good coverage. Vines are
vigorous and productive. Rich dark green fruit is very firm and at
best slicing size when 8" long by 2-1/2" in diameter,
rounded at ends with very little striping at blossom end. Its
uniformity makes it desirable for both home or market.
1/8 Oz-$1.00 1/4 Oz-$1.55
1/2 Oz-$2.20 1 Oz-$3.10
Sweet Slice Hybrid (63 days) The only “burpless” cucumber
with an unusual sweet taste that is totally unique. The dark green
fruits of this monoecious hybrid are 10 to 12 inches long with a
slight taper. An extremely productive home garden variety. Tolerant
to powdery mildew, downy mildew, watermelon, cucumber and zucchini
yellow mosaic virus.
20 Seeds-$1.95 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight)
1/4 Oz-$7.95 1/2
Oz-$14.95 1 Oz-$20.95
Choi 50 days. A non-heading variety with white, succulent midribs and leaves. Cabbage flavor is mild and is standard ingredient in authentically prepared Chow Mein. Prefers cool growing temperatures. - 150 seeds |
70 | 1.00 |
Heirloom (1870’s) 73 days. Tall, cylindrical heads average 18” high and 4” wide. Heads blanch well to a creamy-white. Crisp, tender, and spicy. Plant in early July for a fall crop. - 150 seeds |
Check to Order Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
Jersey Wakefield
Heirloom-1840s 62
Produces dark green conical heads averaging 5” in
diameter and weighting 2-3 lbs.
Heads are very uniform solid and of superb quality.
Matures early and stands well without splitting.
- 150 seeds |
62 |
1.00 |
63. Golden Acres 65
Good Yellows resistance and dependable performance
even in poor soil.
Produces solid, round, 3 1/2 pound heads on stocky
Good all purpose variety.
- 150 seeds |
Ordering Number Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
117. Red Sails pvp 40 days. A loose-leaf lettuce sporting a beautiful green/red color pattern which changes to uniform deep red when weather turns hot. The most frost-tolerant lettuce we grow. Treated seeds. - 600 seeds |
117 |
2.00 |
Grand Rapids Heirloom 45
days. Introduced
by D. M. Ferry Seed Company in 1890 and still prized today
for its fine flavor and tolerance to heat and wilt.
Easy variety to grow, doing well in adverse weather.
Crisp, curled light green leaves.
Excellent greenhouse variety. - 1000 seeds
118 |
2.00 |
Blackseeded Simpson
(1850) 45
days. Most
popular loose-leaf lettuce with crisp texture and delicate
flavor. Heavily
frilled outer leaves with the center leaves blanching almost
white. Cut-and-come-again
variety. Sow
directly in the garden as soon as soil warms a bit--our most
reliable ‘first’ lettuce, and the favorite on our table.
1000 seeds |
119 |
2.00 |
Salad Bowl 45
days. Large,
loose-leaf lettuce with long frilly leaves arranged in a
rosette. Tolerant to heat and tip burn.
Stays mild and tender in summer.
One plant fills a salad bowl. - 1000 seeds |
120 |
2.00 |
45 days. An early, rapid growing variety that stays crisp and tender over a long period. Green, curled, frilly leaves with reddish fringes. - 1000 seeds |
Ordering Number Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
Purple Heirloom 70-75 days. Vigorous producer of elongated dark violet fruit with succulent white flesh. Perfectly shaped for easy slicing. Early maturing. - 90 seeds |
113 |
1.00 |
Black Beauty Heirloom
(1902) 80
days. Heavy
producer of enormous, rich deep purple-black fruits.
Retains good color and is tasty at all stages.
Yields as many as five fruits per plant.
- 60 seeds |
Ordering Number Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
Early White Vienna
(pre 1860) 55 days. A member of the cabbage family. As the plant matures, the stem of the plant swells to a globe shape. When the bulb is young ( 2 - 3 inches), the creamy white flesh has a sweet, mild, turnip-like flavor. Sow seed as soon as soil can be worked. Resists many of the predations visited upon other members of the cabbage family |
Pole Beans
Ordering Number Description |
Ordering # |
$ |
44. Blue
Lake Stringless Heirloom 63 days. One of the most popular home garden varieties of all time, with vigorous growing habit, producing clusters of round-podded beans continuously over a long period. White seeded. A five-star canner/freezer. - 60 seeds |
44 |
1.00 |
Heirloom 65 days. Popular old time favorite with endearing qualities, such as meaty 7½ inch stringless pods, and a very short growing season for a pole bean. White seeded. - 60 seeds |
Zucchini Squash | ||
![]() |
A high-quality shipping and garden variety. Fruit is cylindrical in shape. Matures in 50 days. 1/2 oz. |
Quantity: | $1.49 | |
1 ounce sows a 50 foot row and
feeds a family of five.
Sow in April to June, 4 seeds per hill every 4 feet in rows 3 to 4
feet apart.
Crookneck, Early Golden Summer (50 days)
Fruits are 8" long by 3", curved small crooked neck,
heavily warted, golden yellow in color. Flesh is bright yellow,
thick, buttery flavor. Bush type plant is prolific. Excellent
variety for home and market gardens. Should be used when very young.
1/4 Oz-$ 1.20
1/2 Oz-$1.70 1 Oz-$2.40
1/4 Lb-$4.75 1 Lb-$9.50
Gold Rush Hybrid (49 days) Bright shiny golden yellow
zucchini-type fruit. Superior 7 to 10 inch fruits have a bright
green stem on a small open, upright easy to pick plant. AAS winner.
1/4 Oz-$3.70
1/2 Oz-$5.95 1 Oz-$ 9.95
1/4 Lb-$23.40 1 Lb-$77.95
Straightneck, Early Prolific (50 days) All-America Silver
Medal Award-1938. Fruit become 10 inches long by about 3 inches in
diameter, is club-shaped, some warting and is lemon-yellow turning
golden at maturity. Should be used when fruit is 5 to 6 inches long.
Flesh is creamy-yellow, firm, tender and succulent. Early, prolific,
bush type plant.
1/4 Oz-$1.20
1/2 Oz-$1.70 1 Oz-$2.40
1/4 Lb-$4.75 1 Lb-$9.50
White Bush Scallop or Patty Pan (52 days)
Fruits are round and flat measuring 8-1/2" wide by 3-1/2"
deep. Scalloped edges, creamy-white in edible stage turning
chalky-white at maturity. Flesh is green tinged with white, thick,
tender, fine-grained, juicy and delicious flavor. Bush type plant.
Prolific, uniform and very good quality.
1/4 Oz-$1.35 1/2
Oz-$1.90 1
Oz-$2.70 1/4
Lb-$5.40 1 Lb-$10.75
Zucchini, Black (62 days) Fruit measures 12" long by
4" in diameter and is straight, cylindrical and dark greenish
black in color. Flesh is greenish-white at edible stage with
delicate flavor. Plant is bush type. Fruit should be picked when
only a few days old.
1/4 Oz-$1.35 1/2
Oz-$1.90 1
Oz-$2.70 1/4
Lb-$5.40 1 Lb-$10.75
Zucchini, Seneca Hybrid (42 days) One of the earliest summer
squash with outstanding flavor and a small seed cavity. The fine
dark green fruit should be picked when 6 to 8" long and
1.5" to 2" in diameter. Seneca Zucchini produces a large
number of fruit the first weeks of bearing. Heavy yields are
characteristic throughout the long harvest period.
1/4 Oz-$3.95 1/2
Oz-$5.95 1
Oz-$9.95 1/4
Lb-$22.80 1 Lb-$45.55
(1925) 45
days. Produces a
heavy stand of dark-green, crumpled leaves.
Sow in early spring or late summer for a fall crop.
Slow to bolt.
The old-time commercial standard. |
205 |
1.30 |
Giant Heirloom
(1866) 48
Days. New in
1885, this spinach grows uncommonly large smooth leaves.
Extremely vigorous and particularly good for fall
plantings. |
ounce sows a 100 foot row and feeds a family of five.
Sow in early Spring and September. Plants should be 2" apart in
rows 12 to 18" apart.
Bloomsdale Long Standing (45 days) Semi-erect plants are
large. Leaves are savoyed, large and dark green. Slower to bolt than
Reselected, and therefore, can be used for late spring or summer
1/4 Oz-$1.30
1 Oz-$1.80 1/4 Lb-$3.15
1 Lb-$5.10
Tyee Hybrid (39 days) Long standing heavily savoyed spinach
which resists bolting under high temperatures. Leaves are thick,
dark green and have an attractive appearance.
1/4 Oz-$3.75
1 Oz-$5.35 1/4 Lb-$10.70
1 Lb-$15.70
Soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
All about peppers website
Peppers grow best on well-drained, moderately fertile soils. Use a soil test to determine fertilizer and liming requirements. Peppers grow best at soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Adjust soil pH to near neutral (7.0) for maximum yields.
Peppers: Some cross-pollination can be expected if different varieties are grown in adjacent rows. Are ready for seed production when they have turned color and begin to shrivel. If necessary, take them indoors for ripening
WebSite----- 1/8 ounce sows a 100 foot row and feeds a family of five. Seed should be planted in cold frames 4 to 6 weeks prior to transplanting in May of June. Set plants 15 to 20" apart in rows 24 to 18" apart.
California Wonder (72-75
days) Sweet. Plants are 24 to 26 inches tall, dark green,
stocky, good producer. Fruit about 4-1/2" long by 3-1/2"
in diameter, blocky, mostly 4-lobed, thick walls, glossy green
becoming scarlet at maturity. The sweet and mild flavor makes it
popular for home and market garden use.
25 Seeds-$1.05 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight)
Oz-$1.50 1/2 Oz-$2.30
1 Oz-$4.35
Gold Cal-Wonder (72 days) Very large, blocky peppers
measuring 5 inches long by 4 inches in diameter, are smooth and
glossy. Turn a rich golden yellow at maturity. Excellent for home or
25 Seeds-$1.70 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight)
Oz-$2.45 1/2 Oz-$3.80
1 Oz-$7.15
(9738) PIMIENTO PADRON ( 55 days ) sweet bell peppers --- 100 seeds - $1.65
2068) NIAGRA GIANT (65 days) Early thick walled blocky bell with intense red ripened color. 100 seeds - $1.65
9727) RED CARMAGNOLA (71 days) An extra early Italian red bell pepper! Very sweet and thick 100 seeds - $1.65
Wonder |
1.00 |
CALIFORNIA WONDER - 70 days - The standard sweet bell pepper for stuffing or fresh use in salads. Tremendous yielder of large, thick fleshed, emerald green fruit. Very sweet and mild. Individual varieties in Bulk only 1/16 oz. $2. 00......Order
NEW ACE (F1 Hybrid 62 days) $1.25 20 seeds minimum per packet
Doe Hill Golden Bell Capsicum annuum SOLANACEAE Extra-early.
Morgold Capsicum annuum SOLANACEAE (Early season variety)
days. A miniature sweet bell pepper with
many practical culinary uses. Bushy
18” plants bear dozens of
miniature bell-type fruits, ripening from waxy-green to red.
Perfect for pickling whole, stuffing for canapés, and livening up
relish trays. A fun pepper to
grow, and great to eat.
Banana (1941)
days. Compact
ornamental plants yield many light green
peppers, maturing to yellow, then red.
Great for frying, stuffing with hot sausage, or in fresh salads.
Tomatoes ALL about Tomatoes site soil - Ph 6.5 - 6.8
1/8 ounce will produce approximately 200
Seeds should be sown in cold frame, hothouse or greenhouse 6 to 8 weeks before
transplanting. The plants can be set outside as soon as the ground is warm and
danger of frost is past. Fertilize well for best results.
Beefsteak, Crimson Cushion or Red Ponderosa (95-98 days)
Fruits are extremely large, flattened, irregular and rough in shape, with a
tendency to crack. Very fleshy, few seeds, crimson in color. Vines are
spreading, with open growth habit, medium green in color.
25 Seeds-$1.15 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight)
1/4 Oz-$2.55 1/2 Oz-$3.45
1 Oz-$5.70
Better Boy Hybrid (72 days) Fruits are deep red, sweet, meaty and weigh
up to a pound each. The plant has good leaf coverage to prevent sun scald.
Excellent disease resistance. Guinness world record holder for producing 342
pounds of fruit from a single plant.
25 Seeds-$2.95 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight) 1/8
Oz-$18.25 1/4 Oz-$32.95
1/2 Oz-$59.95 1 Oz-$99.95
Red Cherry (72 days) Small scarlet cherry-like fruits borne in
clusters. Used in salads, pickling, and eating fresh from vine.
25 Seeds-$1.00 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight) 1/4
Oz-$2.30 1/2 Oz-$3.05
1 Oz-$5.05
Roma V.F. (75-85 days) Processing small, red pear shaped fruit. Strong,
determinate heavy covered plant.
25 Seeds-$1.05 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight) 1/4
Oz-$2.35 1/2 Oz-$3.15
1 Oz-$5.25
Rutgers (82-85 days) Fruits are bright red, medium large, smooth, globe
shaped with thick walls, good interior color. Vines are large and bushy with
thick stem, vigorous and prolific. Popular variety for commercial or home
25 Seeds-$1.00 (1/8 Oz. shipping weight) 1/4
Oz-$2.30 1/2 Oz-$3.05
1 Oz-$5.05
Acme Tomato begins to bear in midseason and continues to bear heavily until frost. Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry Tomato comes to fruit early, remains productive until frost, and is somewhat frost-tolerant down to 28-to-32-degrees-F.
44035) EARLY GIRL Tomatoes (52 days) Our most requested hybrid! An excellent choice for early tomatoes. Firm texture, nice flavor and heavy yields. Indeterminate. 50 seeds - $1.95
4519) NEW YORKER (63) Earliest Large Old-time varieties! Compact vines with nice 5 ounce fruit! 100 seeds - $1.10
RUTGERS (75 days)
Old-time favorite with a full bodied flavor, bright red, medium
large fruits! 100 seeds - $1.10
(44002) BETTER BOY (75
days) Better Boy Hybrid Tomato. Popular for
the home garden and bedding plant sells. 50 seeds - $1.95
days) (Pictured) Our finest European cluster tomato from France. Exquisite 5
ounce fruits are tasty and beautiful! Indeterminate variety! 50 seeds - $1.95
50 days. Determinate bush. Developed at the University of Idaho from a Sub-Arctic cross, the small dwarfing vines produce heavy yields of 3” deep red fruits. This year, we harvested ripe fruit 42 days after transplant. Exceptional flavor for an early variety. Be first at your farmers’ market. Organic seed. - 60 seeds $1.20
MANITOBA 60 days - A very popular extra early variety from Canada, for those with short growing seasons! The bright red fruits are smooth and firm, and weigh 6 ounces each. A great variety for container growing. Determinate vines. PKT. - 25 seeds - $1.50
days. Very
vigorous indeterminate. A
giant golden yellow tomato of the beefsteak variety, with vibrant
red blossom end and streaks of red, green and rarely, blue running
from skin through the flesh. Fruits
commonly exceed one pound (this
year’s biggest--3 lbs., 1 oz.)
and are exceptionally sweet and juicy.
My favorite tomato, of any
color. - 30
90 days. Vigorous determinate. Plants yield a heavy set of 6-10 ounce golden orange fruits, which possess a good sugar/acid balance, giving this tomato a flavor with character. Beautiful salad tomato. Train on heavy stakes, 4-5’ tall
Days. Perfect for
container growing or small gardens.
A determinate that grows only 15”
tall and produces many small 3/4 “ bright red tomatoes.
Does well in a 6” pot.. - 60
64 days. Compact indeterminate. Three-inch tomatoes are borne on a bush plant. This variety performs well in patio pots and is one of the earliest, cold tolerant and productive plants we’ve yet found. Moderately acidic, with a more zesty flavor than you’d find in most “earlies”. - 60 seeds
Lifter Heirloom
85 days. Indeterminate. Folklore says this variety was named by a man who sold his crop to pay off a farm he was about to lose. Very impressive tomato, bearing a multitude of large juicy fruit over a long period. Pinkish-red fruit, weighing up to 2 pounds, with a rich tomato flavor. Good slicing and makes a great spaghetti sauce. We harvested bushels from a dozen plants. - 60 seeds
85 days. Indeterminate. Tall, vigorous vines to 5’ with regular leaves, producing flawless globe fruits of baseball size. This variety is extraordinarily resistant to bugs and disease, thriving when other tomatoes in our fields have succumbed to blight. Bears well, late in the season. Classic flavor, from Argentina (!). Certified organic seed. - 60 seeds
Purple Heirloom
85 days. Indeterminate ‘potato leaf’ vines grow to 6 feet, while producing large 1½ lb. Pink- purple fruits of varied shape, usually oblate-lobed. The flavor is superb, but watch them carefully, as they are prone to crack in wet weather. Rich creamy texture and flavor that is a favorite of ours. Certified organic seed, limited supply. - 60 seeds
Varieties | When to Plant | Spacing & Depth | Care | Harvesting | Common Problems | Growing Q&A | Selection & Storage | Nutrition & Health | Preparing & Serving | Home Preservation | Recipes
Good info on the varitys of corn types
Corn Crop Performance Testing - AgEBB
Open Pollinated: These are old varieties of corn and seed can be saved and planted the following year.
Native seed listingsSilver Queen Hybrid Sweet Corn | ||
![]() |
Very productive hybrid sweet corn bearing ears of 8-9 inches. Silver Queen has white grains and cobs. One of the sweetest and most tender corns ever developed. Matures in 95 days. |
Quantity: | $2.99 |
days. Very old variety,
shooting out as many as 6 good ears from a single stalk.
Meaty, tender, small kernels.
Delicious, fresh on the cob.
Excellent freezer. Ears
are Slender, with 10 rows of white corn.
150 seeds
Seeds of Change Corn Sweet Golden Bantam from GrowOrganic.com - Buy online now!
Agricultural Systems - Baby Corn
Baby corn--How to grow baby corn
New Jersey Farmer Newspaper Top Story
Title of Invention: Inbred corn line PHR03
Butter & Sugar (su) (73 days) Sugary enhanced. Standard of excellence in bi-color hybrid corns. Sturdy 5-6 stalks bear 7-8 ears.
Sugar & Gold |
67 days |
6 1/2"-10 to 12 rows |
husk green, with reddish tinge; excellent quality; prefers cooler-season areas |
CS5) SENECA DAYBREAK (64 days) High sugar content yellow hybrid that is early and cold tolerant. 1ounce - $1.75
02233) SILVER PRINCESS (74 days) Sugar enhanced white variety tradition of Silver Queen. 2 ounces - $1.75
EARLY EXTRA SWEET - 70 days - Very early, dependable Sh2. 40 percent sugar content Ears are 9 inches long on 5 foot silks. 3 oz. packet for $2.97......Order......Bulk 1 lb. $9.50......Order
EARLY SUNGLOW - 65 days - An old dependable Se variety that is perfect for cool, short season areas as the seeds can survive in cooler soils. This is one of the earliest and sweetest yellow corns Plump 7 inch ears on 4 to 5 foot stalks. 3 oz. packet for $2.97......Order......Bulk 1 lb. $7.50......Order
NORTHERN EXTRA SWEET - 65 days - The earliest maturing Extra sweet (Sh2) This hybrid shows improved emergence and vigor under cool, wet soil conditions. Uniform 8 to 9 inch ears , 14 rows of tender kernels. Excellent fresh, frozen, canned or a favorite for roadside sales. 3 oz. packet for $2.97......Order......Bulk 1 lb. $9.50......Order
Corn, Silver Queen Hybrid Sweet, 80-83 days. 1/2 lb. $5.45
Ice Queen ---- .a high quality, common rust tolerant, white super-sweet 7½-8" attractive ears of bright white kernels 14-16 row count. The 7' plants
Welcome to Klein Bros SeedsCrops Seeds For Sale Best Price
Growing Red Robin indoors for winter
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to buy Radiant Bench Heating Mats
How to buy Radiant Bench Heating Mats Radiant Root Heating has the best root
heating system on the market. The system consists of bench heating mats that fit
the width of your bench (we can create any ...
Products-Super 12, Heating Mats and Nursery Tables
... 4 ft. wide heating mats with heating tubes spaced on 2 inch centers are
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Greenfire Product: HEATING MATS & CABLES
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Soil Heating Cables They have a built-in thermostat that automatically activates the heating element if the soil temperature drops below 74° F which is the optimal root zone temperature for most seedlings and starts 6'- 24 watts1.5 sq. ft.$17.95 12' - 42 watts3 sq. ft.$21.95 24' - 84 watts6 sq. ft.$25.95 36'- 126 watts9 sq. ft.$28.95 48' - 168 watts12 sq. ft.$31.95
Heater with control Bulb and Capillary with light, 4 year warranty, 350 watts Sale Price: $43.95 free shipping Click for Heater Pad Specifications Sizes on all on this site 13" X 35.5 "Softside Heaters $52 300w with control, free shipping .
Cheapest so Far --------- $32.95 FREE SHIPPING 325 watt control and pad $34.00 free ship W/ Pad
Make Your own Propagation Box, make your own heater and your done , cheaper way under $100 For a heating mat, we used a vinyl-covered waterbed heater that had its own thermostat.
Small Seeds Layer
Plants in the Garden
Web store Topsoil 5lb. Bag. Peat Moss 5.5
cf. $ 9.99. Peat Moss - Sphagnum Compressed; 5.5
cubic feet bag ..
Penna Peat Moss Inc 100 W 21st Street Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18201 717-455-4331
Untitle-PEAT MOSS 50 LB. $10.50. EA. 520-0164. PEAT MOSS, 3.8 CUFT ... 525-1050. LIME, PELLET. BAGGED. 40 LB. $ 3.85YOU
MEDIUMS because they are light and sterile. One reason germination
rates are slower outdoors is there are so many enemies in regular
soil. Jiffy mix or other soiless medium and sow your seeds ( one
every couple inches) 1/8" deep. Be sure to visit my main page
to read my garden JOURNAL
99 page to see the varieties I am growing. Thank you! Happy
growing! Perlite is commonly used with
vermiculite ( a 50 - 50 mix is a very popular medium), and is also
one of the major ingredients of soiless ...Growing
Medium Rockwood, vermiculite and perlite , are very
common products used today for healthy root development. (bleach (1
Tbs. of bleach per pint of water is plenty). pot with
one part peat moss and two parts sand, ...
root wrapped in sphagnum moss, and provide
planting instructions to ... Just stick in Sphagnum moss
& provide plenty of light, and ... or
50/50 peat moss and Perlite. If the
soil is alkaline, add peat moss or nitrogen
fortified ground bark or sawdust to compensate, ... a sterile
potting medium like pearl-lite and peat moss,....Sphagnum
moss and sphagnum peat moss are not the same product. Sphagnum
moss is used in the floral industry to line wire baskets and make
wreaths. It is the LIVING moss that grows on top of a
sphagnum bog. Sphagnum peat moss is used as a soil conditioner by
gardeners. It is the dead material that accumulates in the lower
levels of a sphagnum bog. Harvesters of the horticultural peat moss
remove the top few inches of the live sphagnum moss before
harvesting the peat from the lower levels of the bog.
...sphagnum peat moss you use as a soil
amendment .... Standard
potting soil is not acid enough and will not maintain an acid
condition over a long period of time with the alkalinity bombardment
of water and soil leaching.
has to be careful of the kind of peat moss he or she uses to
alter the soil horror with which we must contend.
There are three major types of peat moss in the trade. They are
moss-peat (peat moss), reed-sedge peat, and peat humus ..Nearly all
peat imported from Canada or Europe is derived from sphagnum moss.
It is very acidic with a pH of 3.6 to 4.2. The color is tan to
brown. Moss peat is light weight, porous, high in moisture-holding
capacity but low in nitrogen (0.6 to 1.4 percent). It is an
excellent soil conditioner but will require some lime when used to
grow anything other than
acid-loving plants in containerized or container-like (such as the
excavated hole) situations.
To do this, it should be heated to 180F for a half hour or so
So to "fight off" the onslaught of alkalinity, an organic material produced in an area which has acid soils MUST be used.
So why is pH so important? When the pH of a soil is too high
(alkaline) or too low (acidic), most of the minor fertilizer
elements (iron, manganese, molybdenum) become unavailable for plant
uptake. Plants must have the minor elements, especially iron, Iron
deficiency in plants is a problem common to many landscapes due to
our very alkaline soil. For further information about lawn
fertilization, see: site
Dark brown or black mycelial threads of this fungus (Fig. 1) are distinctive and produce scattered black dots (hyphopodia) that anchor the fungus to the plant. Roots of affected plants become shortened, discolored, and often have dark colored lesions that are visible upon inspection with a hand lens.
Vegetable Gardening In Containers
Can plant diseases be controlled organically?
Fungi or bacteria cause a very large number of garden plant
diseases. Soap-Shield
and Soil-Guard,
two Gardens Alive! introductions have proved to be very effective
in fighting a wide range of fungus diseases.
Most mosaic diseases (viruses) and wilt infect plants through
wounds caused by insects. That’s why many effective products
contain botanicals to kill insects as well as minerals to prevent
disease infection. Rotenone/Copper
Combo is one such product.
But the best way to fight disease in the garden is to try to
prevent it in the first place. Avoid wet, soggy soils since they
favor many root diseases. Rotate your crops to deter the build-up
of plant-specific diseases. Use only disease-free seed and
transplants. Maintain good soil tilth and fertility and maintain
soil pH between 6.5 and 7.0. At lower pH levels (more acid)
disease pathogens are favored. Don’t overcrowd plants. Thin them
to permit free air circulation and prevent humidity build-up,
which fosters disease. And be sure to destroy or discard diseased
plants; don’t compost them.
Click Here for a Listing of all Gardens Alive! Articles
DUNKERTON CO-OPRe: mixing bone meal and blood meal
COFI Blood Meal Pelleted (50 Lb) from GrowOrganic.com - Buy online now!Hydro-Organics Wholesale: More Organic Fertilizers and Amendments
Organic Guide
PH --The term pH stands for the relationship of hydrogen ions (H+) to hydroxyl ions (OH-). A soil pH reading indicates on a logarithmic scale the concentration of ions held to soil particles and organic matter. A pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with pH 7.0 being neutral. Readings below 7.0 indicate a soil is “acid,” and readings above 7.0 indicate “alkaline” soil conditions. Most of the plants we grow in our home gardens require a soil which is slightly acid. Most vegetables in a garden prefer growing in soil with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8. Good site for garden fact when planting your garden
REMEMBER--All peppers are perennials, and make nice house-plants if grown in potting soil in 2-3 gallon plastic pots, and taken indoors when the nights drop into the 40s. Move plants outdoors when nights go back into the 50s. Plants will live for several years that way, most will stop growing in the winter and lose most of their leaves, but will leaf back out in spring.
There are documented cases where a Heart Attack was stopped by a Teaspoonful of Cayenne in warm water, drunk quickly
Parsnip - Harris Model Cultivated for its 12-15 inch white root that is smooth, tender and very sweet. You can leave in the ground without protection all winter (freezing improves flavor
Potting Soil Recipes, Soil Mixes and Soil ReconditioningOrganic Potting Mixes for Certified Production
Washed Coco peat, also marketed as Wonder soil, is really wondrous. Single brick of Wondersoil, when placed in a small pail of water, expands eight times in volume, softens, and becomes ready to use in planting in a matter of 5 to 20 minutes.
Coco Peat 4.5 Cu Ft Brick from GrowOrganic.com - Buy online now! Coco Peat 4.5 Cu Ft Brick product detail description.
Coco Peat Brick Item10pg6 Coco Peat Brick Growing Mediums Bricks made from coconut husk fibers contain a natural source of rooting hormones, help protect against root diseases, and successfully support plants' structures. Similar to peat moss, only cheaper and not as acidic.
Cornell peat-Lite Mix - Step and step instruction on Potting Soil Recipes and Backyard Soil ImprovmentsHow to make Soil Blends or Potting soil - How to make a Soil Blends or Potting soil
Coconut fiber is also high in root stimulating hormones and offers some protection against root diseases including fungus infestation. Dutch growers have found that a mixture of 50% coconut fiber and 50% expanded clay pellets is the perfect growing medium.
One word of caution about coconut fiber, you must be careful when you purchase coconut fiber. There is a commonly available, lower grade of coconut fiber that is high in sea-salt and is very fine grained. This lower grade coconut fiber will lead to disappointing results when used in a hydroponic system.
![]() |
![]() |
Perfect Starts
#2's Most commonly used for starting salad greens, kitchen herbs and other small seeded plants, thin stemmed cuttings and tissue culture.Use with a 200 cell tray insert and 10x20" tray |
200 pcs. #2's (20x50mm) $16.95 |
cubes ![]() |
![]() |
These lightweight pre-formed cubes are designed for propagation. A very popular medium for use when growing from seed or from cuttings. This product has a neutral pH and retains water very well.The cubes are meant to be a starter medium and come in three sizes up to 2" x 2". They can be easily transplanted into practically any kind of hydroponic system or growing medium (or into soil). |
for oasis cubes Rapid
Discount Grow MediumsJiffy-7 Peat Pellets. $ 2.95 for 25 SEED STARTER KIT, MINI-GREENHOUSE 50 - peat pellet paks - pot Veseys.com | Jiffy Pots 100 for $7.00. 1000 for $50.00
Novosel Enterprises Pa 730 Jiffy-7 Peat Pellets Case of 2000 $130.00 , 2 1/4" Jiffy Pots Case of 3000 $117.00 Peat Pots
... Peat
Pots. Plug Trays, Form Pots,
and Carry Trays ... Jiffy Products ® 122 - 2
1/4" Round x 2 1/4" DP.
Plant/Botany Supplies - Page 2 Pea pots 2 1/4",Rnd,3000/cs. Price: $86.95
$10.25 Qty. JIFFY
PELLETS. Expands 7 times when water is
added. ...
Jiffy Pellets, Medium Size (2000/cs.) Price: $99.95 Each ¼” thick compressed peat pellet expands to a 1 ½” diameter (36 mm) x 1 5/8” tall cylinder. Fit more pellets per sheet! NY state Company Jiffy Pre-Dribbled Pellets 1" / 2000 pack Price: $89.80 Jiffy 7 #701 Peat Pellets / 1000 pellets $52.38 Jiffy Growing Systems(27x60). 1,620. JIFFY - 7 (single pellet w/net) ... 12,960. JIFFY - 9 (single pellets without net).
... $3.19. Jiffy 7 peat
pellets. seedlings. 0.10 each
for most things
This Page has been updated December
2003. This page is an online catalogue listing most
of our equipment. To keep a copy to browse offline,
simply click on File/Save As in your browser. ...
ALL PURPOSE TRAY 90*30*7 $ A55.00 ... 060000. 175W
MH MINI LOBAY ( Complete
Kit ... 020050. JIFFY PELLETS
( 30mm Compressed) A$0.25. 020051. PEAT
POTS ...
products below Oasis cubes come out to be 2.53015 cents per or $25.00/1000with shipping
Perlite 4 cu. ft. bag (120 quart) $12.95
Vermiculite 4 cu. ft. bag (120 quart) $13.95
Rock wool Mediums
- These are smaller sized cubes that are primarily designed
for Propagation. Whether you are starting seeds or cuttings these
cubes will work great. 1"x
1"x 1.5" starter cubes (98 cubes/ 10" x
20" sheet individual
sheet $10.95/sheet
Is There A Problem With Sphagnum Peat Moss?
The Mossy peat moss, inside plants, indoor plants, outdoor plants, Molly's, pot plant, growing plants, gardening, small businessPlant Answers They are moss peat (peat moss), reed‑sedge peat, and peat humus. Peat is the organic remains of plants accumulating
Limestone - is a mineral composed of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate
Mushrooms - Mushroom Growing Varieties Mushrooms are unique in the produce department, and mushroom growing is one of the most unusual stories in agriculture. Here is a summary of the growth cycles of some of the most popular cultivated mushroom varieties. For more in-depth mushroom.Mushroom Vaults : The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide
HE Index - C web site. Cadet heater part recalls ... information resources. .... water heater costs. .... water heater energy use, ... Department of Consumer Affairs waterbed energy use study ...Oasis cubes | Expanded Clay Pellets | Rockwool |
Coconut Fiber | Sand | Gravel |
Perlite | Sphagnum Moss | Water |
Vermiculite | Fiberglass Insulation | Saw Dust |
Soilless Mix(s) | Air | Lava Rock |
Flow and drain, Ebb and flow at Hydroponiks.com
COMPANIES, AND INTERESTED INDIVIDUAL Crude and Expanded Vermiculite A Web Site Dedicated to the Dissemination of News and Information about Vermiculite and the Vermiculite Industry Developed by The Vermiculite InstituteCalculations The numbers in the table represent the quantity of vermiculite that will be used per acre
Shipping Weight 16 lb(s) 1 Bushel : $9.95 Shipping cost $5.95
Horticultural Vermiculite - 4 cu. ft. bag $7.25
vermiculite $5.29 8 qts Perlite $4.79 10 Qts Vermiculite, the Miracle Medicine
ULINE - Vermiculite in Stock 1.7 cf ft $16 X 2 min order - from nj
Equivalents Tables |
Units of Area |
Units of Dry Volume
To Convert: |
Red maple Seedling
10 for $15.00 6-12 inches high
Choose a category below to view our wide variety of products:
Local Harvest Farms - products - Saylorsburg , PA
Pocono Garlic Growers Association
In the mail: P.O. Box 250, Saylorsburg, PA 18353. On the
Internet: http://www.poconogarlic.com
On the phone: 610-381-3303 or 570--421-7235 or 570-992-2890 or 570--476-9757 or