
High Net Worth =  Honesty, Pride, Sprit, Health, Some Money & Good People in your life

May - June orange
April - June blue
March - May violet
March - May gray




Seeds starters film ground covering
Harvest Moon seeds Jiffy Forestry Pellets   66$ for 6 x 600 blk

Redwood City Seed Company price list

    Solexx Panels  
seed germination tomatoes      
seed germination pepper      

Cold Frames

Paul's stuff Hot Chile Pepper Medical Uses    
99$ lighting types

Seed Saving ~ Peppers

  Sweet corn1      
  Sweet Corn2      
  Paul's past gathered info      


LUTHER HILL CORN  is an early white sweet corn that produces 3-5" ears on short plants. It was developed by Luther Hill of Andover Township, New Jersey, about 1902.My Grandparents grew it all there lives & we all enjoyed it. I have been looking for the seeds since the early 80's. I recently found it, Have planted it in the garden last week and hope to  enjoy it soon at the diner table as it will be greatly Appreciated again.

How do I start tomatoes from seed? - Tomato seeds usually tomatoes germinate within 5 to 10 days when kept

PEPPER SEED PRODUCTION Pepper plants do not like "wet feet" and likewise, the seeds ... The federal standard for pepper seed germination is 55%. Germination at lower temperatures may require 21 days or longer.

Milk contains casein, a lipophilic (fat-loving) substance that surrounds and washes away the fatty capsaicin molecules in much the same way that soap washes away grease. Altho its not much of a comfort, just remember the old saying